How to Succeed at WTM London
The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia organized together with SIPPO, a working session for Macedonian tour operators and travel agencies planning to visit the World Travel Market (WTM) in London

Macedonian tour operators and travel agencies envisioning to visit the fair this autumn had opportunity to learn more about the British tourist's profile, UK tour operators' preferences and WTM fair characteristics on the session organized on 1st November in the premises of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in the Republic of Macedonia.
SIPPO welcomes the initiative of the Agency to stage this working session and knowledge sharing. The core part of the session was centered around disseminating information on the WTM London and UK market. Furthermore, the concept of Sustainable Tourism was addressed as well, explaining Sustainable Tourism as an aspiration, the collaboration between people in destination aiming to retain their wellbeing and to deliver memorable experiences to visitors while balancing the aspects of interference in nature and profit.
Participants were also introduced with SIPPO's tools for efficient follow up and measurement of the trade fair participation: Contact Forms and Evaluation Forms. This was an opportunity for attendees to become familiar with these forms and to rasp the benefits of their usage.
Satisfied with the workshop, participants welcomed the organization of similar working session in the future. With 81 % of participants being satisfied with the workshop agenda's and additional rate of 100 % attendees considering such sessions useful for them, APSTRM and SIPPO considered the workshop to have been a success.