SIPPO Peru develops the workplan for the Country Coordination Committee 2020 (CCC) of the processed food sector.
On November 9, the Swiss Import Promotion Program (SIPPO), implemented by Swisscontact, held the Country 2020 Coordination Committee with its strategic partners in the processed food sector, Adex, Promperu and PeruCamaras. The Swiss Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO), to which the program belongs, participated actively in the meeting.

Promperu, as the main beneficiary of the program and a government agency, presented its strategic activities to be executed during 2021 by the Export Development Directorate and the Export Promotion Directorate. Representatives of the OCEX were also present. Among the activities that Promperu has prioritized for the following year are initiatives in the areas of digitalization, virtual fairs and development of supply in sustainability issues.
SIPPO also carries out institutional strengthening and market intelligence actions with the private sector, where its two partners, the Association of Exporters (ADEX) and PeruCamaras, stand out. It should be noted that SIPPO Peru has adjusted its work plans based on the new context of the coronavirus pandemic, focusing on activities linked to training and strengthening the use of digital tools for promotion and training, for which it has launched the Trade Promotion Academy in alliance with the International Trade Center (ITC) and which is already available to its strategic partners.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE) and SECO's Secompetitive Program also participated in order to identify synergies for future program activities during 2021. It is important to note that the CCC was complemented by a second working session for Promperu on November 10 to analyze the institutional situation and the Sustainable Tourism sector.
Finally, SIPPO Peru and SECO held an internal closing meeting in order to strengthen coordination for the implementation of activities during 2021.