TechPack platform for BSOs and companies support
Macedonian start - ups and SMEs working in the field of ICT will provide support to companies working in the industries which are strongly affected by the recent economic developments due to COVID – 19

With the current pandemic of COVID – 19 and its implications on world economy, businesses from particular industries are facing great amount of uncertainty for the future of their work while they are trying to adapt to the rising importance of working on-line, selling or providing services and products on-line.
Startup Macedonia (program supported by Swiss EP) is having great initiative that was recognized and supported by the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development. The initiative foresees support of the traditional businesses on their way to digitalization and creation of effective response to the challenges unfold with the current situation.
Namely, macedonian startups and companies working in the ICT industry secure access for traditional businesses to their services and products free of charge over particular period of time. This way, traditional companies could accelerate their business through the creation of on-line shops, improve their organizational performance through digital archiving, or expand knowledge on topics related with digital (ICT) skills as such becoming more competitive in on-line trade environment.
All the interested BSOs and companies from North Macedonia should visit the TechPack platform where the ICT companies placed their services or products that might be provided under particular conditions defined as “deals”. Traditional companies could contact directly the companies listed on the platform and discuss with them offered “deals” in most cases encompassing the support that would be given for some period of time free of charge as well as the conditions that would apply after the period of free support provided.
Additionally, those start-ups and SMEs from ICT sector interested to provide support through provision of their services and products could sign up to the platform as well so their “deal” would be enlisted and available as opportunity for the traditional businesses.
For all those BSOs and companies having specific requests addressed through the questionnaire (application form for support), the TechPack team will contact them for further coordination and communication upon finding best possible support.
Check out the existing “deals” and see if you can benefit to advance your trade promotion through improved on-line presence of your business, strengthened organizational processes with IT solutions accelerated sales by introducing e-commerce opportunities.