NAITM's Marketplace 2018 - place for business opportunities
The National Association for Incoming Tourism of Macedonia staged its annual event on 5th and 6th December 2018 which aimed to increase business opportunities among members. This annual cornerstone activity for NAITM was supported by SIPPO for a second year in a row, becoming a traditional event and business generator in the tourism sector

NAITM's marketplace is the association's annual event bringing together its members from five sectors: tour operators and agencies, hotels and restaurants, wineries, transporters and guides. For a third year in a row, NAITM welcomes participants in pleasant business atmosphere in the Hotel Bushi in Skopje.
The two-day event aimed to accelerate business opportunities among members through organized business matchmaking networking and lectured from renowned tourism experts.
On the 5th of December, the President of the association Mr. Vlatko Sulev, opened the conference inviting institutions'' and stakeholders' representatives to address the audience. Among them was Mrs. Lilian Kandikjan, National Program Officer in Embassy of Switzerland in Macedonia who highlighted the developments in the sector and support provided by SIPPO and IME programs in the tourism sector in Macedonia.
The official program continued with discussion about potentials and perspective f of SPA tourism in Macedonia followed by scheduled matchmaking meetings between the NAITM members. The first day program was rounded up with a networking lunch.
The program on the second day envisaged lectures on possibilities for entering the French and Italian markets as well as a description of common preference of European tourist when traveling abroad. The renowned tourism professionals, Mr. Philippe Mugnier and Mr. Gorazd Skrt, each extensively experienced in French and Italian markets respectively, addressed the audience providing relevant facts and figures for these markets, opportunities and tourists' preferences. This year, additionally, an HR expert - Professior at Faculty for economics in Skopje, Mr. Ljupco Eftimov, delivered a speech on the importance of the human resources and their management in tourism context - the presentation that leveraged the importance of the human resources, their motivation and appropriate management towards delivering quality incoming tourist products and services.
NAITM managed to position itself as a business opportunity provide in the field of incoming tourism through the marketplace event. Inspiring ideas and plans for Marketplace 2019 are already present and will inevitably bring new business opportunities next year.