OCA Workshop with MMAF in Indonesia: What is the priority for fish and seafood sector?
On 18 and 20 September 2024, SIPPO in collaboration with DevLearn Ltd. had implemented an Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) Workshop with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) in Indonesia. This event wraps up the series of OCA Workshop with SIPPO’s Business Support Organization (BSO) in Indonesia. The implementation of OCA Workshop is beneficial to track progress of BSO’s export promotion service development, to conduct focused reflection about export promotion capacity within the BSO, and as input to planning process to make SIPPO’s supports are more targeted and needs-driven.

As many as ten representatives from the Directorate of Marketing MMAF actively participated in the two-days workshop in Jakarta. There were six main area of capacity discussed with MMAF that are important to support successful delivery of high-quality export promotion services, including service delivery, institutional strengthening – strategy, institutional strengthening – monitoring and results measurement, network and cooperation, digitalization, and sustainability.
Among all those six areas, MMAF rated their strengths in the monitoring and results measurement aspect and the sustainability aspect. MMAF mentioned that they have built a robust internal control system and employee performance targets, quarterly surveys and evaluation among users, and post-event monitoring and realization of transaction potential. Meanwhile under the sustainability aspect, MMAF already has “Five Agendas for Blue Economy”, in which emphasized the sustainability standards and guideline for fish and seafood sector. “The Five Agendas for Blue Economy under MMAF, promoted by our previous Minister Ibu Susi Pudjiastuti, is a fundamental regulation within the ministry covering fishing methods, aquaculture, marine space management, and so on. Since this is the bases of our work, our staffs are very familiar with the sustainability standards”, said Pak Adhi Setya Wiyata, Head of Market Access and International Promotion division under Directorate of Marketing MMAF.
In the near future, MMAF is hoping to be able to improve their strategy on business matching and international exhibitions by leveraging the technology developments and digitalization, as well as to improve their capacity in online promotion. While there are some opportunities identified, SIPPO sees that MMAF has already advanced in their overall export promotion activities, adequately equipped with capacities in conducting market analysis, market intelligence, and digital database. In overall, this workshop has been very successful and effective in identifying MMAF’s strengths and priority areas of improvement, all of which will be useful for MMAF and SIPPO to develop annual workplan and to ensure it will be well targeted and needs-driven.